Kenton’s Story

Grant Ambrose

WagePirate Founder


Kenton, a solopreneur offering digital products like online courses, virtual meetups, and in-person events, came across my FunnelKit plugin videos on YouTube. After discovering my expertise, he approached me through the Sidekick Program. Kenton had a typical product-driven website but lacked the key elements of a Marketing-first Website—sales funnels, automations, and structured lead magnets—that would drive conversions and help scale his business.

With the Sidekick Program, we transformed his store by implementing strategic sales funnels, Tag-driven Automations, and optimizing his website’s performance. I also trained Kenton and his team to confidently manage their automations and funnels, empowering them to take control of their processes while relying on my guidance for ongoing support.

Quick Summary

Kenton needed help building out his sales funnels, optimizing his email automations, and improving his website’s speed. We worked together to transition his site from a traditional online store to a Marketing-first Website—focused on strategic conversions, automation, and customer engagement.

Key Achievements:

  • Sales Funnel Setup: Built lead magnet funnels, tripwire offers, and upsells to increase conversions.
  • Tag-Driven Automations: Streamlined email sequences and ensured contacts received the right emails at the right time.
  • Website Speed Optimization: Implemented changes to speed up his website for global visitors.
  • List Hygiene Automation: Set up automations to keep his email list clean and engaged without manual intervention.
  • Marketing Strategy: Organized ads and sales funnels into a structured system to test different marketing angles.
  • Training & Empowerment: Trained Kenton’s team to manage FunnelKit Automations and sales funnels independently.

Lead Magnet Strategy Development: Testing Funnels for Maximum Conversions

Kenton’s challenge was converting cold traffic from ads into paying customers. We developed a structured lead magnet funnel strategy to test different marketing angles and identify which ones resonated best with his audience.

What We Did:

  • Consultation & Strategy Development: We developed a strategy to test multiple marketing angles and lead magnets, each designed to convert cold traffic into subscribers and sales.
  • Tripwire Funnel: A free lead magnet funnel with an upsell of a low-cost product on the confirmation page. After the tripwire purchase, users were presented with another upsell for a higher-priced product.
  • 3-Part Video Series Funnel: We set up a second funnel that offered a 3-part video series. Users received the first video and subscribed to receive the rest, testing whether more committed lead magnets would convert better.

The Result:

By setting up these lead magnet funnels, Kenton can now test which marketing angles resonate best with his audience. The funnels allow him to systematically engage cold traffic and turn them into paying customers, reducing ad spend waste and increasing conversions.

Tag-Driven Automations: Streamlining Email Campaigns

Kenton needed a way to ensure his contacts received the right emails without overwhelming them with too many messages. We implemented Tag-Driven Automations using FunnelKit Automations to streamline his email sequences and manage the flow of contacts between different campaigns.

What We Did:

  • Tag-Driven Automations Setup: We structured Kenton’s automations using tags, ensuring that contacts moved smoothly between sequences based on their actions (e.g., opting in or completing a purchase).
  • Automation/Broadcast Priority: We prioritized key automations like post-purchase sequences and nurturing campaigns over general broadcast emails, ensuring that important sequences weren’t interrupted.
  • Custom Fields for Segmentation: We introduced custom fields to store more detailed data about Kenton’s audience, allowing for better segmentation and targeted email campaigns.

The Result:

Kenton now has a streamlined email marketing system where contacts receive relevant, timely messages. The Tag-Driven Automations prevent email overload and ensure that important sequences drive revenue without being interrupted by less critical emails. Kenton’s team finds the system easy to manage, and they now create and manage automations more confidently.

Website Speed Optimization: Faster for a Global Audience

Kenton’s website was slowing down, especially for global visitors. We worked on speeding up his site to ensure a smooth experience for users worldwide.

What We Did:

  • Page Caching: Set up FlyingPress to cache pages and reduce server load, speeding up the site.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Configured a CDN to distribute content across multiple servers, ensuring fast load times for visitors in different regions.
  • Object Caching: Enabled Object Caching to speed up database queries, improving performance for backend tasks like managing orders.

The Result:

Kenton’s website now loads much faster for both him and his global audience. This improvement in user experience has reduced bounce rates and kept visitors engaged, leading to more conversions.

List Hygiene Automations: Keeping Kenton’s Email List Engaged

Kenton was facing declining open rates due to inactive subscribers. We implemented list hygiene automations to regularly clean up his list and keep it engaged.

What We Did:

  • List Hygiene Automations Setup: We set up automations to remove or re-engage inactive subscribers, keeping the list clean and healthy.
  • Maintaining High Deliverability: These automations helped maintain high deliverability rates by removing inactive contacts and ensuring that emails reached the inbox rather than the spam folder.
  • Re-engagement Campaigns: We implemented re-engagement campaigns to give subscribers a last chance to stay active on the list before removal.

The Result:

Kenton’s list is now consistently engaged, with higher open rates and better deliverability. The automations handle list hygiene without requiring manual effort, freeing Kenton’s time to focus on growth.

Training & Empowerment: Helping Kenton and His Team Take Control

A key aspect of my work with Kenton has been training him and his team to manage their FunnelKit Automations and sales funnels independently.

What We Did:

  • Hands-On Training: I created screen recordings walking Kenton and his team through each process. This empowered them to set up automations and funnels themselves while still having me as a resource when needed.
  • Second Set of Eyes: Kenton regularly asks me to review his setups before they go live, ensuring everything works perfectly before implementation.
  • Ongoing Support: Kenton’s team regularly tags me in their project management software for guidance. I respond with detailed answers and screen recordings to keep them moving forward.

The Result:

Kenton and his team are now more confident in managing their own automations and sales funnels. With my guidance, they’ve been able to take control of their marketing processes while still relying on me for expert advice and reviews when needed.

Ongoing Work & Future Plans

Kenton continues to work with me through the Sidekick Program, adding tasks for action and collaborating on strategies to grow his business.

Current & Future Initiatives:

  • Continued Sales Funnel Optimization: We’ll keep refining lead magnets and funnels to maximize conversions.
  • A/B Testing: Together, we’ll test different funnel strategies and automations to improve engagement and conversions.
  • Email List Growth: We’re planning additional campaigns to grow his list and engage subscribers.

Get similar results for your store

All of the success Kenton has achieved—better funnels, streamlined automations, and faster website speed—has come through the Sidekick Program. Ready to transform your WooCommerce store into a Marketing-first Website? Let’s work together to grow your business.

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