Here is the PHP Code you can copy and paste to remove the Bricks Builder header using a PHP action hook – specifically render_header
// remove the Bricks Header
add_action('get_header', 'c_remove_bricks_header');
function c_remove_bricks_header() {
if( is_singular(array('wffn_optin', 'wffn_oty', 'wffn_landing'))) {
remove_action( 'render_header', [Bricks\Theme::instance()->frontend, 'render_header'] );
Code language: PHP (php)
In the above code, I am removing the Bricks Header from the Post Types that I use for my Sales Funnels built using the FunnelKit plugin.
You just need to add your own PHP Conditions on line 4.
If you are looking for something a bit simpler, I would recommend checking out the below Blog Post where I show you how to remove the Bricks Header and Footer using the Bricks UI on a per-post basis.
RELATED: Remove the Header and Footer in Bricks Builder (The Correct Way)
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