Cwicly is the best builder for 2024

Cwicly has been discontinued. I would recommend you check out Bricks – probably the fastest growing Page Builder in WordPress right now. It’s very very good, loads fast, clean code and easy-to-use!

Watch my Bricks Builder tutorial videos on YouTube.

Youtube Video

In the video, I will compare Cwicly to BricksGeneratePress + Generate Blocks, KadenceWP and GreenShift and you will see why I recommend Cwicly in 2024. I will also share the 1 feature I MUST-HAVE in a builder these days, that only Bricks and Cwicly has.

If you use my Affiliate Link to purchase Cwicly, please email me and I will give you free access to my paid course titled “Code Snippet Plugins are the devil!”. 

In this course, I will show you how to ditch Code Snippet plugins and I will show you how to add your code into your own custom WordPress plugin – they way WordPress was designed to work.

I will also give you my starter plugin in this course and show you how to use it.

This course is currently $47 (but free when you use my affiliate link for Cwicly).

See Course

Get Cwicly & unlock my free course

Get Cwicly

By purchasing through the link above, you will get free access to my $47 course “Code Snippet plugins are the Devil”

Grant Ambrose Avatar

5 responses to “Cwicly is the best builder for 2024”

  1. Memphis Avatar

    Cwicly is closing down but you still rank them #1?

    1. Grant Ambrose Avatar
      Grant Ambrose

      Fair. I have not updated the content as I need to rebuild this site anyway – away from Cwicly to another builder, so I haven’t updated the content yet. I’ll update this post though.

      1. Memphis Avatar

        It wasn’t criticism. I trust your work so I wanted your opinion on it as I just heard that news a couple of days ago. I have Bricks lifetime license but did not really use it for now. I guess I’m going deeper into it. Have a nice day.

  2. Franluis Avatar

    Hey guys, Cwicly is BACK and FREE!

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